International Journal of Social Sciences Research and Explorer (IJSSRE)

Publication Charges

International Journal Of Social Sciences Research And Explorer (IJSSRE) aims to encourage research among all the professionals, students, researchers etc. The journal runs on a Not-for-Profit Model and funds collected are reinvested to improve journal services. Many people give journal their valuable time and services. Some of them work honorary or on subsidized salary. Also due to costs towards article processing, maintenance of article in secured data storage system, databases and other financial constraints, authors are required to pay a minimum fees. The Journal do not charge any article submission fees. International Journal Of Social Sciences Research And Explorer (IJSSRE) also makes constant effort in collaborating with International universities and obtaining citations from various international citation agencies. As International Journal Of Social Sciences Research And Explorer (IJSSRE) does not get outside funding so authors are expected to pay a minimum amount of cost for the working of journal in an efficient manner.

Indian Author: Free
Overseas Authors: Free

Important :Under no circumstances what so ever will IJSSRE accept to publish an article without merit and peer review.



Requested to All the authors, send original research results according to the given template. Doc



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