Application for Editorial Board

Dear Editors/Reviewers

We value your association as an authors/reviewer of the Science Explorer journals. We would also like to propose your name for the position of Editor/Reviewer of the Science Explorer journals.

Editor/Reviewer is appointed for a period of one year and expected to submit a thematic issue annually. For continuation in next year, Editors/Reviewer need to reference another author, at least 10 research article for publication every year. The formal appointment of an Editor/Reviewer is made on the receipt and acceptance of a thematic issue proposal in a hot and emerging field.

The Editor/Reviewer will be entitled to the following benefits:

  1. An optional brief CV and photograph of the Editor/Reviewer will be displayed on the journal's website.
  2. The Editor/Reviewer will receive a free online access to the journal for the calendar year in which their thematic issue is published.
  3. The Editor/Reviewer will be given free online access to any 6 books of his/her choice from the journal list of Books.
  4. The Editor/Reviewer will get 50% discount on the publication fee of their article in Open Access Science Explorer Journals.
  5. On final publication of their thematic issue the Editor/Reviewer will get a Certificate of Contribution from the Editorial Office.

If this position is of interest to you, please submit application form. If you are interested, then kindly submit us your brief CV, with the list of your recent publications. Kindly also indicate the field of the journal relevant to your area of research.

Editors/Reviewers agreement form Click here


Requested to All the authors, send original research results according to the given template. Doc




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